The Baked Body Frosting is enormous, approximately saucer sized and about an inch and a third thick. It's .85 oz and presumably will last forever. Unlike most body highlighters, this isn't bronze or gold or glittery. Products like those, even in sheer lotion form, look horribly unnatural on me (as one friend who saw me in a bikini last week said "you look good, but you're the whitest person I've ever seen!" I know, exactly what you want to hear when you're practically half naked). Angel Glow is the softest shell pink with pink iridescence. Technically, the product is called "all over face and body glow" so presumably this would make a lovely, radiant facial highlighter as well, but because it is described as moisturizing by QVC I'm hesitant to use it on my cheeks.
Use Baked Body Frosting wet or dry, but I think this one should be restricted to fair skin--darker skin may look ashy. Baked Body Frosting is currently available on QVC for $37.
Used wet:
Used dry:
Did you end up liking this? I have very fair skin as well and the LG body frosting look like they could be what I'm looking for. However, I can't decide between the Angel Glow or the Sugar Glow. If you could let me know how this worked out for you and whether or not you continued to use it, that'd be great. :)